SASSI - Later Life Careers

The SASSI Life Tree invites older workers to take a look at their past, current and future career situation. It is one of the first steps in promoting their longer working lives, which may lead them to becoming Olderpreneurs and Mobility Ambassadors – visit the SASSI LLC website to learn more about what these are.
Video Titel
Challenge Tackled
Promoting longer working lives for older workers – with a special emphasis on entrepreneurial skills and mobilities.
Target group, beneficiaries or clients
- Older employees (55+)
- Trainers, career counsellors, coaches, social workers etc.
- Solution
The needs of people in different walks of life are very diverse, so we tackle them from several ways. We help older workers re-evaluate their career perspectives. Are they really on their last job prior to retirement, or do they still have something to offer both to society and to themselves? We have developed a Guide to becoming an ‘Olderpreneur’, which explores the question of what entrepreneurship means in older age – what alternatives there are to starting an own business. It also looks at aspects such as soft and hard entrepreneurial skills, networking, and the world of digital business.
We have also developed an Ambassadors Manual for Mobility in Later Life. It sheds light onto the benefits of working of studying abroad in later life, the different types of mobilities possible and the role and competences of a mobility ambassador. It is accompanied by a database of organisations offering mobility opportunities.
For the trainers and career councillors, we provide information on the specifics of learning in later age, age-specific career counselling, as well as on how to help learners take on the roles of Olderpreneurs and Mobility Ambassadors.
The project is innovative not just in the way it sees older workers – putting an emphasis on their future potential rather than their past – as potential Olderpreneurs and Mobility Ambassadors. It also presents its outputs in a new, user-friendly manner – see next section.
Unique Selling Point
All the project outputs are available barrier-free (no registration or login required) on the WordPress-based SASSI Hub. Users can use Netflix-style sliders to select the relevant learning contents from a wide selection created through the lifespan of several projects. In that way, everyone can easily locate the contents useful to them.
Promote longer working lives, which bring with them the attached sense of purpose, personal satisfaction, and live networks. Help companies overcome the loss of valuable staff and combat personnel shortages. Benefit wider society through volunteering and social businesses.
All materials are available in English, German, Bulgarian, Slovak, and Portuguese, and some additional ones – in Dutch. Since they address different competence areas, they can be relevant for different target groups – experienced employees companies are trying to retain, potential start-up founders, older volunteers, unemployed, or unretires – and everyone who works with them.