SLACC - Stop Lies Against Climate Change

… climate change is not man-made. The climate has always been changing after all. Climate change is a lie to promote certain interests …. There is a huge stream of disinformation and fake news aimed at confusing public opinion and raising doubts about the existence of climate change. This is where the SLACC project comes into play. SLACC aims to equip young people with the necessary skills to specifically tackle climate lies and act as climate ambassadors. To this end, interactive exercises, a gamified platform and a learning App were develop.
Video Titel
- Challenge Tackled
As climate change still is often not very well understood and awareness of what aspects of personal lifestyle affect it is not always present, the App works to highlight the issue of climate change and inform learners to about the different aspects of it and how to best adjust lifestyle to reduce carbon footprint - Target group, beneficiaries or clients
Young people and educators working with young people. - Solution
An app to inform, raise awareness and inspire lifestyle changes. - Innovation
The App combines an informational multimedia factbook and a carbon footprint tracker to create an interactive and engaging means for young people to learn the basics of the phenomenon of climate change and identify areas in their personal behaviour with potential for improvement to reduce carbon footprint. - Unique Selling Point
The makes information easily available as a mobile app that can be read and viewed in free time in various situations, is engaging and allows for young people to promote it among each other. - Impact
The App is available for Android and iOS and is being promoted both to young people, but also to people who want to incorporate it into other educational offers, with a guide book of useful exercises being developed. - Feasibility/Transferability
This method is easily adaptable to other areas where awareness ought to be raised.
- Challenge Tackled
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Link to projects, other project materials
Website https://slacc-project.eu
Compilation of climate lies https://slacc-project.eu/climate-lies/
SLACC online training for youth workers https://slacc.dieberater.com
SLACC game for young people https://slacc.dieberater.com
Check your ambassador’s competences https://mahara.vita-eu.org/survey/slacc1