We present two innovative solutions for robotic lower-limb prostheses developed by our laboratory. These devices can mimic the biomechanics of an intact leg, possibly improving the mobility and quality of life of people that underwent amputation.
Enhance the mobility of people with lower-limb amputation.
Improve quality of life and foster reintegration into society.
Target group / clients
Depending on the target group, other beneficiaries can also be mentioned or referred to directly
People suffering from lower-limb amputation.
The solution should only be named superficially to give an idea of the concept developed
Robotic lower-limb prostheses, embedding elastic elements to replicate the behaviour of an intact leg.
The innovative perspective could be framed by a word (app) or a short concept description.
Fully portable, autonomous prosthetic solutions.
Unique Selling Point
What makes your project special? What does it have, what others don’t have?
The use of robotic prostheses can mimic the biomechanics of the intact leg, restoring an energy efficient gait pattern.
These solutions can have a powerful impact in improving the mobility and quality of life of people that underwent amputation.
Prototypes have been developed and tested with end-users. Design iterations may be necessary to optimize these devices, making them ready to be transferred to the market.
Ilaria Fagioli, PhD Student
Alessandro Mazzarini, PhD Student
Nicola Vitiello, Full Professor
Simona Crea, Assistant Professor
Emilio Trigili, Assistant Professor