
The Beach Cleaner Map

Every year, large amounts of rubbish wash ashore along the West Coast. In the past, the litter was made of natural materials and decayed after a year or so. Today it consists (wood and logs excluded) of up to 90% of plastic in various forms. The remaining rubbish consists of glass and metal. Modern beach litter does not break down but remains on the beaches for decades, perhaps centuries, if not cleaned up.

The work with beach cleaning is carried out by the municipalities’ staff, contracted contractors, a number of non-profit organizations and, not least, all volunteers. All in all, approximately 200 tonnes of rubbish are cleaned on the estates between Strömstad and Kungsbacka municipalities, every year.

Beach cleaning is not just picking up the obvious. It’s about adjusting the eyes and also seeing all the smaller objects; caps, top sticks, balloon sticks, shot preloads, remains from tampons and more. These objects, among many others, pose a danger partly to sea-dwelling birds and animals, partly to the marine ecosystem in general
